About Us
Business Innovation Solutions in Hearing Healthcare
Our Mission
To drive the field of audiology forward by empowering practices with innovative consulting solutions, fostering excellence in patient care, embracing technology, and shaping the future of hearing healthcare services.
We strive to ensure that every decision leads toward enhanced patient care, optimized operations, and sustainable growth.
AuDSupport launched in Salt Lake City, UT. The high concentration of audiology practices in the Salt Lake Valley is driven by its rapidly expanding population, creating robust demand for audiological services. This created a need for professional education. The presence of renowned medical facilities and research institutions like the University of Utah Health further bolsters the audiology landscape, attracting skilled practitioners and fostering an environment conducive to practice growth and innovation.
The decision to offer consulting services stems from a deep-seated passion for advancing the audiology profession. Recognizing the evolving landscape of healthcare and the increasing complexities faced by audiology practices, we are committed to leveraging our expertise and experience to support practitioners in navigating these challenges and driving positive change within the field.